Hranici pro tuto možnost je nově tvořena 4000 hodinami zobrazenými na Youtube kanále v posledních 12 měsících nebo 1000 odběrateli.
Toto opatření platí od 20. 2. 2018. Google ve zprávě upozorňuje, že jakmile některý z parametrů překonáte, provede vyhodnocení vašeho profilu, a následně vám monetizaci znovu zpřístupní.
Under the new eligibility requirements announced today, your YouTube channel, XXXXX, is no longer eligible for monetization because it doesn’t meet the new threshold of 4,000 hours of watchtime within the past 12 months and 1,000 subscribers. As a result, your channel will lose access to all monetization tools and features associated with the YouTube
Partner Program on February 20, 2018 unless you surpass this threshold in the next 30 days. Accordingly, this email serves as 30 days notice that your YouTube Partner Program terms are terminated.
One of YouTube’s core values is to provide anyone the opportunity to earn money from a thriving channel. Creators who haven’t yet reached this new threshold can continue to benefit from our Creator Academy, our Help Center, and all the resources on the Creator Site to grow their channels. Once your channel reaches the new threshold, it will be reviewed to make sure it adheres to our policies and guidelines, and if so, monetization will be re-enabled.